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Idea for Valentine Days

Erall87 Guestbook

Erall87  (12 years ago)
oh gitu,, aku pake 0pera, jd twt nyambung ke fb, masih muncul ko..
Tp kalo emang ga bisa ngasìh mah ga aph"..?
Vie007  (12 years ago)
Gak juga^^
facebook qw all about korea, entar kamu gak ngerti mending gak aku kasih kan, lagian aku jarang OL via fb biasa'a via twitt yg nyambung ke facebook. .
Vie007  (12 years ago)
Gimana yaa soal'a itu privacy^^ hhe
gimana kalau twitter aja '??
Vie007  (12 years ago)
Iya punya,
knpa '??
Vie007  (12 years ago)
Iya sama-sama^^
Vie007  (12 years ago)
Salam kenal ya^^

miriamAhmed  (12 years ago)
Assalamu"Alaikum, my dear
my Name is miss miriam Ahmed from libya
I saw your profile today and it were so much nice
Please contact me my e-mail address is (mirimahmed@hotmail.com)
so that i will give you my photo

Aokies  (12 years ago)
pipitLuphly  (12 years ago)
salam knal maz bro
alicesam  (12 years ago)
Hello dear,
Please reply back with my email (samora635@yahoo.co.uk)
My name is Ora. i saw your profile today at(ownskin)and became interested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address (samora635@yahoo.co.uk) I believe we can move from here! Awaiting for your mail to my email address Remember the distance or age or color does not matter.
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