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Sonam17 Guestbook

ange62  (13 years ago)
MoreFriends18.com Flowers Flash
Nag62557  (13 years ago)
hai sona gud evng..thanks for accepting as a frnd...
patron00  (13 years ago)

SANU30  (13 years ago)
"I believe in Angels sent from the haven. I am surounded by Angels, but i call them FRENDS"HAVE A GUD DAY FOR U & UR SOME NEW FRENDS
ratan4shining  (13 years ago)

Gous74  (13 years ago)
Never luk for a Gud Face it will turn old one day.But luk for a loyal heart that will miss u every day.
Gous74  (13 years ago)
I am not best person in ur life, but I just hope that one day when u hear my name u would just smile & say "Tha to Ajeeb.. but I miss him" Sachhi kah raha hu.
Sonam17  (13 years ago)

Gous74  (13 years ago)
Love is possible after friendship but friendship is not possible after love bcoz medicines work before death, it doesn't work after Death....
patron00  (13 years ago)

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