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Abu1331ubaidah  (12 years ago)

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The winners of life's game aren't those
who have never tasted failure


Those who have tasted failure
again and again but never gave up

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Abu1331ubaidah  (12 years ago)

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I don't need someone who
"Sees Only Good Things In Me!"


I do need someone who knows about the bad things
in me and still wants to
spend the whole life with me!"

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kanaria2010  (12 years ago)

{ يـآربٌّ
إن كتبٌّتْ لهـِّ فيْ علمّـ الغيُّب حزنـِإآ فـ{ إمنحنّيْ حزنهـ
وإن كتبٌّتْ ليْ فيّْ علمّـ الغيٌّب سعـِإآدهـّ فـ{ إمنحهـ سعـإآدتّيّْ

Abu1331ubaidah  (12 years ago)


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you've imagined.


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