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Raj294 Guestbook

Ddlongkumtsur  (12 years ago)
shyangel12  (12 years ago)

moonriver175  (12 years ago)

avie667  (12 years ago)
Mayha02  (12 years ago)
Yah . .
shyangel12  (12 years ago)

Music to me can be loud
like thunder in my head
music to me can be soft
that draws me to my bed
music to me is life
music to me is strong
music to me makes me feel like
I can do no wrong
music makes you full of sorrow
or it makes you full of joy
music makes a better tomorrow
or makes you awfully coy
music makes you fearless
music makes you tearless
music can make you a star
music to me
is when you see
who you really are

MaoJonas  (12 years ago)
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Ddlongkumtsur  (12 years ago)


Ddlongkumtsur  (12 years ago)
kut murnin

happy hours ahead
shyangel12  (12 years ago)

Food Food Food
All are here for food
All evolve from food
All act for food
All think about food.

All know no food
No existence.

Food come from rain
Rain ensues from sacrifice
Sacrifice rooted
In prescribed action
Prescribed action
Originate from knowledge
Knowledge proceed from you
You my dear not destructible.

So long as you are there
Food is there
You are all pervading
You are infinite
I the finite
Long for you
Through the food
Supplied to me
Only by you
And the food
Itself you.

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