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sanjana808 Guestbookjeyen26 (9 years ago) dhe.. njan angadu vannalundallo.. ellathinem close aki kalayum ketoo.. ente swabhavavum closetum thammilenthu bandham..? kadalum kadaladiyum pole.. kappalum kappalandiyum pole.. konchum sanjuvum pole..? jeyen26 (9 years ago) ayyo ayyayyo...chi chjhe.. closet alla koche.. close- closer - closest enna uddesichath.. yyyo idh dictionary il illatha word ano..?? aaa... enikkariyanmela.. jeyen26 (9 years ago) ath english bhashayk vendi njan valare budhimutti kandupidich sambhavana cheytha puthiya worda.. priya78 (10 years ago) where the hell r ya y is yor phn switchdoff.I've been tryna cal u for the past 3 weeks.what happend to u??did u changed ur numbr??whats going on??juz dun do anything stupid ok??let me knw,plz n stop worrying people who loves u | |