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Bored, Chilly or Horny ???

ciNdy0507 Guestbook

Fahim133  (11 years ago)

Fresh flowers are waiting to disturb u

Hot coffe waiting to taste ur lips

Sun, birds, cool air - all r looking
at ur window to say u

Good Morning

Have Nice Day

Good MorningMore Orkut Scraps, Graphics - GoodLightscraps.com
Fahim133  (11 years ago)

Saying Good night is not a Formality or Due to
free message,

It's the art of Saying that I remember you In
last minute of the Day "

good night scrapsGlitter Graphics - GoodLightscraps.com

Good Night

IramGorGeous  (11 years ago)

T0 g3t s0m3thing,
y0u n33d t0 giv3 up s0m3thing.
Lif3 is all ab0ut d3ciding
what is that s0m3thing
y0u want t0 g3t and
what is that s0m3thing
y0u ar3 r3ady t0 giv3 up.

ciNdy0507  (11 years ago)
i want something food :|
ciNdy0507  (11 years ago)
ciNdy0507  (11 years ago)
so lazzy ._.
ciNdy0507  (11 years ago)
Selamat tidur ;)
arifandenni  (11 years ago)
Welcome to ownskin...met cari2 teman...

and pagi aza dueh...bay2 cu later
ciNdy0507  (11 years ago)
Weekend hrus full belajar -_-
arifandenni  (11 years ago)
Slamat pagi nona manis...
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