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ZAza9069 Guestbook

NICEDAAY  (11 years ago)
bhongapho  (11 years ago)
gudmorning ate..hve a nyz day..
saarim143  (11 years ago)
but you are not caring and friendly

may be you are simple
saarim143  (11 years ago)
may you are simple

but friendly and caring
saarim143  (11 years ago)
I know nothing last forever
may be we wont always stay together.
But I am glad
every morning when I wake up,
I still have you on my friends' list.

Thank you very much
For being my Friend.
Good Morning
saarim143  (11 years ago)
M sad
saarim143  (11 years ago)

saarim143  (11 years ago)
I want u ...
To be with me In a nice Restaurent
To have candle light dinner.... &
to say those sweet three words to U....
"Pay The Bill"

im nice or my msg was jice

saarim143  (11 years ago)
A- U'r Attractive
B - U'r D Best
C - U'r Cute
D - U'r Dear 2 me
E - U'r Excellent
F - U'r Funny
G - U'r Gud Looking
H - He He He
I - I'm
J - Just
K - Kidding

saarim143  (11 years ago)
I heard that good looks can kill...
So, please don't look at me
I don't wanna see you die.!!!

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