LiLcrAzYdeViL(12 years ago) aM NoT Lil GUrL sORY,aM BUzZy wId mUm toDAe duN MIzz mE ToO MoCh
Shoaibie(12 years ago) HIPISH - Lots of Comment HIPISH - Lots of Comment HIPISH - Lots of Comment
LiLcrAzYdeViL(12 years ago) trY NoT GeT PaRAnOId ths TYm juZz bE A ParT Of hEr sHaRin nd cariN bE haPy bOth yOr hEArT nD wORds
LiLcrAzYdeViL(12 years ago) aM NOt LiL gUrLz am MatUrE LIL DEviL JUzZ SHarE WhT ShE FEeL HapY Nd MaYb gibe adViSE To HeR BuT NIt pOssEss
LiLcrAzYdeViL(12 years ago) hOhO aCcePtEd nAh,Am JUzZ KIdIn,iTz realY GuD To CeE I HeLp bUt nOt rUin i dID ToO MOcH To huRt bE4,i wILL TrY To bECuM A GuD DEviL
LiLcrAzYdeViL(12 years ago) gUd : gOt a pARtY LtR sO,bOtH YOU Nd yOr bEStfRNds gUd nOw? sAy TKq tO DEViL