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Idea for Valentine Days

Heartless75 Guestbook

shawie15  (10 years ago)
Never forget that no matter what
situation you are facing today, God
has not left you. He has not
abandoned you or forgotten you.
He created you and you are still
special in his eyes. Good Morning!
drops4u  (10 years ago)
drops4u  (10 years ago)
Heartless75  (10 years ago)
shawie15  (10 years ago)
from phil
soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

'``°^°``''$t®ong p€op£€''``°^°``'

'``°^°``''Don't put oth€®$''``°^°``'


'``°^°``Th€¥ £¡ft th€m up``°^°``'

(",")(*,*)(',')GooD Mo®n¡ng(",")(*,*)(',')

'',,(*_*)H@v€ @ ___________D@¥(*_*),,''

soulmate160197  (10 years ago)


soulmate160197  (10 years ago)

M@¥ ALLAH f€£¡©¡t@t£ @nd f€£¡©¡t@t€ ¥ou ¡n th€ ®@©€ of £¡f€,''``°^°``'',,,,M@¥ ¥ou b€ b£€$$€d ₩¡th g¡g@n¡t¢ @©h¡v€m€nt$ ¡n ¢om¡ng up d@¥$ of ¥ou® £¡f€ ,''``°^°``'',,,,''``°^°``'',Good N!ght,''``°^°``'',,,,''``°^°``$₩€€t D®€@mzzZzz,''``°^°``'',,

NadanNadia  (10 years ago)

Heartless75  (10 years ago)
Same2 you

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