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rabka223  (6 years ago)

BABU8866  (12 years ago)
BABU says that the people
of this world is don't complet love to one anather.But
ALLAH is the greatest.if a
person love by ALLAH.that
is the real love.then ALLAH
love you for both worlds.
and give you everythings.which what ever you wish.
i love my ALLAH.
Conifer79  (12 years ago)
Muzammil y do u keep changing ur account,any thing wrong?
Conifer79  (13 years ago)
Do u know why allah has created spaces between ur fingerz bcoz someone will come in ur life and fill those spaces by taking ur hand forever.
Conifer79  (13 years ago)
It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return.but what iz more painful is to never have da courage to let that person know how u feel.dont go for looks,they can decieve.dont go for wealth,even that fades away.go for someone who makes u smile coz it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.it takes only a minute to get a crush over someone,an hour to like someone,and a day to love someone but it takes a life time to forget someone.
dOdYrOsE77  (13 years ago)

FreNz r 4-evER liKE E starS daT kePt bliNkin In E sky ,

THoUgh we MighT b Far Apart...BUt I noE daT u r Still Near 2 Me WhnEveR I look up...

Gd nite N sleep TiTE!

dOdYrOsE77  (13 years ago)
Good timezz~

take care.....

Conifer79  (13 years ago)
Happy new year allah bless you.
dOdYrOsE77  (13 years ago)

Well..happy birthday

dOdYrOsE77  (13 years ago)
happy new year..wish u luck ,happiness & success in dis new year.

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