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Eric5539 Guestbook

gae732  (11 years ago)
m ok hw abt u?
gae732  (11 years ago)
whitewine  (11 years ago)

Have a lovely day

Xabelzej  (11 years ago)
Thanks for the add
whitewine  (11 years ago)

But friendship is precious,

not only in the shade,

but in the sunshine of life,

and thanks to a benevolent arrangement

the greater part of life is sunshine.
by Thomas jefferson

whitewine  (11 years ago)

Let us always meet each other with smile,

for the smile is the beginning of love
by Mother teresa

whitewine  (11 years ago)
you're welcome

I feel that

there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people

by Vincent Van Gogh

Have a good day

Alinee95  (11 years ago)

slowly sun is getting towards its destination and is getting pale

just wanna wish you a great evening ahead
whitewine  (11 years ago)

Walking with a friend in the dark

is better than walking alone in the light.
by Helen keller

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