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maruf794  (13 years ago)
some memorable love quotes for you... my friend: 'iN ReAl lOvE YoU WaNt tHe oThEr pErSoN’S GoOd... iN RoMaNtIc lOvE, yOu wAnT ThE OtHeR PeRsOn' 'LoVe iS NoT A MaTtEr oF CoUnTiNg tHe yEaRs.. Its mAkInG ThE YeArS CoUnT….' 'tHe bEsT PrOoF Of lOvE Is tRuSt...' 'wE WaStE TiMe lOoKiNg fOr tHe pErFeCt lOvEr... iNsTeAd oF CrEaTiNg tHe pErFeCt lOvE...' 'ImMaTuRe lOvE SaYs: 'i lOvE YoU BeCaUsE I NeEd yOu... 'MaTuRe lOvE SaYs: 'i nEeD YoU BeCaUsE I LoVe yOu.' GooD mOrNiNg aNd LoVeLy WeEkEnD WiTh LoVe aNd sMiLe {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
prem765  (13 years ago)

suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Don't place your problems on your head, its weight may crush you down. Rather place them under your feet nd use them as platform to climb the new Horizons... Have a good day...!!! {Image}
prem765  (13 years ago)

maruf794  (13 years ago)
'aLwAyS BeLiEvE ThE SuPrEmAcY wItHiN YoU sTaRt wAlKiNg tOwArDs yOuR TaRgEt PrAyErS WiLl dEfEnD YoU AnD ShOw yOu tHe rIgHt PaTh Be cOnStRuCtIvE AnD Do nOt gIvE AtTeNtIoN tO DiSaPpOiNtMeNtS jUsT BeLiEvE In yOu bE CoNfidEnT aNd bRaVe...' gUt DaY...
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
May the auspicious occasion of Eid... Bless your home with happiness, Your heart with devotion, Your soul with purity & peace... And bring joy to your heart, friends & family. Wishing You And Your Family A Very Happy Eid...!!! May Allah Shower All His Blessing On You...!!! {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
maruf794  (13 years ago)
WoNdErFuL SaYiNg aBoUt dReAm: 'yOu sEe tHiNgS; aNd yOu sAy, 'wHy?' bUt i dReAm tHiNgS ThAt nEvEr wErE; aNd i sAy, 'wHy nOt?' wIsHiNg dReAmY NiGhT DeAr... ~..~ ~ ..~ {Image}
HARI5173  (13 years ago)
Hai friend good morning
maruf794  (13 years ago)
OnLy a fEw CaRiNg hEaRtS cAn eAsIlY IdEnTiFy SuM LiTtLe lIeS In Ur sMiLe & sUm mOrE TrUtH iN Ur tEaRs!!! sO NeVeR LeT tHeM Go fRoM yOuR LiFe!…… GuT NiGhT...kEEp sMiLinG... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Two words that can change the way we approach the life... 'Can I?' or 'I Can.' Think and choose the right option and create a difference in your life. Have A Good Day Dear Friend...!!! {Image}

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