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ilushea Guestbook

swati0962  (10 years ago)
n0thing mad grani.hehe u see peta is n0t nice I told u
swati0962  (10 years ago)
heheh, s0me thing u may find there
swati0962  (10 years ago)
grani ur n0zii is still . . . Hyeezzz
swati0962  (10 years ago)
and I kn0w m0no is Alex
swati0962  (10 years ago)

swati0962  (10 years ago)
grani ? English plz
swati0962  (10 years ago)
ilushea  (10 years ago)
Flower Necklaner in cow so cute
swati0962  (10 years ago)
u want what granu ? which c0w?
swati0962  (10 years ago)
i cant give u meat coz c0w is still in life. Hehe

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