nermin654321 (13 years ago)bonjooooooor walido how are u dear ??? Good morning and sweet sunday
nermin654321 (13 years ago)welcome wello.ana la be school w la be university ana bi ma3had-i study accounting bt1-ana 3ayshe bi bayrot,w enta win 3ayesh ?w men win men lebnen jnob walla b3albak
nermin654321 (13 years ago)hi wello how are u .i hop to win inur exams & get good marks.nice time
nermin654321 (13 years ago)the frnds who are far is the real frnds ! How are u my frnd ??
nermin654321 (13 years ago)its my passion 2 know u frnd bt i dont have mail we connet here gd luck waleed
nermin654321 (13 years ago)hi how are u ? I dont reseived any thing any way thnx 4 u
nermin654321 (13 years ago)thanx 4 u very much my friend,i deal with u ,can u define ur self more? Whats ur name
amirali13 (13 years ago)hi wello nice time dear