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HaeRin01 Guestbook

Ahmed9122  (12 years ago)
Ai shiteru ,,
Faiziii143  (12 years ago)
Assalam o Alekum

I don't know the actual meaning of maturity.
But for me maturity is when,
A person hurts you & you try to undrstand his situation instead of hurting him back.
Stay Blessed and have a
*Sweet Morning*
strider23  (12 years ago)

strider23  (12 years ago)
listening to my favorite songs.. You still downloading.. Hehe .
strider23  (12 years ago)
thats cute.... Me.. sound trip...
strider23  (12 years ago)
wats up?
Shoaibie  (12 years ago)
hey what,s happend frnd
Shoaibie  (12 years ago)
0hh nice frnd

What d0 u d0?? I d0 j0b..,
Shoaibie  (12 years ago)
nice to knw u shelen....

Im fr0m pakistan u fr0m ind0nasia???
Shoaibie  (12 years ago)
im SHOAIBIE frnd
And u??

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