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FangChan Guestbook

Tabijyong  (12 years ago)

Nitin3464  (12 years ago)
JitotheGon  (12 years ago)
jinjia?.. where?
JitotheGon  (12 years ago)
aigoo.. don't cry lah.. o.o.. it will pass soon~
Asad1138  (12 years ago)

Hope The New Year brings a lot of good cheer for you,

May all Your Dreams Will be True,

Hope the year also bring Gigabyte of Fun,

Happy New Near and good luck with your Resolution.

Good Evening Friends & Take care

JitotheGon  (12 years ago)
Tabijyong  (12 years ago)
Juz lyk shit.. o.o
Nothing interesting~
Take care..


JitotheGon  (12 years ago)
LOL... don't burn too much midnight old lah~.. no good~
Asad1138  (12 years ago)

New Year brings

just Happiness not Tear,

Everybody loves only You Dear,

All your Problems will be Finish......

It's for You my Special NEW YEAR'S wish

Good Evening Friends Take care


Tabijyong  (12 years ago)
Well, gud for u
Mine lyk shit

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