To understand conscious humans, not to be limited to characteristics and individualities or dualities, competition, mastery ... because they are extensions, expansions, which complement each other, essence, growth, balance ...
The equality of any natures are complementary not isolated limitations, control, superiority ...
Singularities make us unique, external domination predicts us in cycles and patterns of repetition ... reflects feelings, internal emotions, limiting us to growth, development, individual and collective expansion, integration with the universe ...
Not to be limited to dualities, polarities, characteristics, individualities, genres, human being is important, to develop as a species, but the essential is to transcend, evolve, be full consciousness, essence, soul ...
By Aldenir Nascimento.
For YOU! ...
There is a place where everything is possible. Where love is true. This place is called HEART ...
It is here that I keep the SPECIAL people who do not always see, but never forget ...
noooo:.) te lo giuro cazzo , a una mia amica l'hanno cancellato così
funziona funziona metti la foto di na zoccola nuda o che so e vedrai che funziona
tu fallo vedrai che funziona
è piu probabile che nevichi ad agosto altro che metodo per cancellarsi! quando lo scoprirò te lo dirò, se voglio eh
chi non muore si rivede!mi rompi anche qua adesso? va la che te pari a vergine maria
ti denuncerò per stalking!
grazie anche tu sei bella