lOl i knOw, they'r blOody amazinG, i aDore 'em, i wish i can have One *.* .. But Im Okie with my Cutte lOvely puppy ... Archeology, wOw interstinG ..seems yOu like anCient times ...Ima a meDical stuDent, anD ill be a Pediatric, cuz i aDore kiDs ... I knOw my MajOr kinDa bOrinG as my frienS say
haha it'l b fUn hOney.. bUt ralPh n Zoe dy'v olredi tauGht me sMe oV dr secReT moves.. Haha.. N i'l b d oNe to teach yo oV dt baby.... aft dt d fOur oV us wl b danCin 2geda....