Oh.. Oki., i'll show her to you..but wait, cant find her yet..she's always not around., mostly she'll be here only when its feedin and sleepin time.. Her fur is dark brown with a bit of white. U wait, i'll ask my friend to løok 4 her..
Yah.. Wow!, wat a cool name!.. Lucy!. Mine has no name, but i usually col her meowsi,. She's ol black. Mybe its bcoz dat hir in da philippines wer not used in naming cats. So, i guess my cats name is meowsi now.
Hi.. Saw a picture of you carrying a cat. Sö, u like cats?.. I have one here too., but i dnt carry him like you do coz im allergic to its furs
ka2k do'ain de kamu lulus,,,,
gimana ujiannya??? susah ato gampang???