'I saY crazY thingS.. wheÑ I aM hypeR.. buT donT dÖ theM… I saY stupiD thingS.. wheN I aM angrY.. buT donT meaÑ theM… I saY hurtfuL thingS.. wheÑ I aM huRT.. buT donT meaÑ tÕ harM yoÙ… I saY sillY thingS.. withouT thinkinG.. buT laugH aT myseLF lateR… TÖ mÝ friend.. whÖ ignorE mY crazY talK anD mY sillinesS… ForgivE mE iF I haD eveR hurT YoÚ… ThankS foR acceptinG ME aS I AM..!!!' Gut morning have a rocking day ahead
ExcusÈ mÊ,, Is someonÊ carÊ abouT mÉ ? Is someonÈ ha$ feeling$ foR mÊ ? I aM thÈ onlÝ persoÑ whÖ misse$ everyonÈ. WhÖ wil£ mis$ mÈ ? PleasÈ Mis$ mÈ thaT sweeT anÐ dreamY nighT NÖ ONÈ ???
FrienD.. yoU arE mY eyeS.. WitH yoU I caN seE thE dreaM.. frienD.. yoY R mY nosE.. WitH yoY I caN geT thE smelL oF lifE.. FrienD.. yoU arR mY teetH.. WitH yoY I caN enjoE smilE. FrienD.. actuallY YoU ArE mY body.. WitHouT YoU I aM notTing.' KeeP smilinG havE peacE anD dreamS N nighT