oh..miss my poisonous wish
that means you still alive
ok happy
but give me the prove
There is nothng more important in lyf than frndshp.
Hii dear can i about u??i mean ur name,, ur age,, ur nation,, ur ocupation,, ur fvrt colour,, ur like moments,, ur hate moments????
grand choice
i like any melodious muzic..specially trance of state
thanx 4 wrighting to one and telling to 2..
why yo to lazy
Gud evening bad! Have a nice day!
Simplest method-kick ur teacher out before he kicks out of the rum
yeh i will
thanx..by way wat types of song yo like
'EvEryOnE wANts tO bE tHe sUn tHAt LiGhTs uP yOUr LiFe. But I hAd raTHer bE yOUr mÖÖn, sO I cAn sHiNe oN yOu dUriNg yOUr dArKeSt hoUr.. wHEn yOUr sUn iS nOT aRouNd..' chEEr mY fRiENd.
itS uR dAy..
wiShiNg tErRific tuEsdAy..
:**_: tHaNx 4 rEpLyiNg deAr bAd GirL iN
hellew yoko
im good .. Hope u too hehe
have a great day
c u soon ...