Risk. Tell the truth. Meet somebody who doesn't suit you. Say no. Spend all money. Get acquainted with somebody. Be spontaneous. Make a declaration of love. Sing in all throat. Laugh at stupid jokes. Cry. Apologize. Tell somebody about on how many he is dear to you. Admit to those whom you hate. Laugh to belly-ache. Lead full life. Travel. Be not sorry about anything.
Be not afraid to give: time, care, attention. You from it don't become less. Be scattered on thousands asterisks that in each heart to switch on light! Good night, friends!
Watch kind movies, listen to cheerful music, drink tea, walk, get enough sleep also the most important, believe that everything at you will turn out and then everything will be good! Good day and great mood, friends!
Behind all daily vanity, behind this vital routine we forget about importance of warm words. After all as it is pleasant to wake up and hear "good morning", and to fall asleep with a wish "good night". And it is even more pleasant when to you wish good day and not simply wish, and tell warm words which warm our souls and hearts for the whole day... We will present a smile to people around and our day will be kind and full of happy minutes!
Winter - time for slow thoughts, soft spot of light under the lamp shade, very old friends, fragrant tea, and a plaid from heat and love... Kind winter evening, friends!
Good morning, friends! Let your life always will be sweet! Go forward, the holiday there waits for you, the happiness and tenderness there waits for you, there everything will change, all dreams will come true and new, surprising life will begin.
The friend is to whom it is possible to come even to 12 o'clock in the morning. The friend - is the one who can listen to you at a difficult moment. The friend - is the one who remains true to you even if from you will turn away all. The friend - is the one who understands you even then when nobody understands. The friend - is the one who accepts you such what you are with all your shortcomings even if they hurt him. The friend - is what will always exorcise to you the truth even if it isn't pleasant to you. The friend - is the one who is always sincere with you, he after all knows that you always will understand him. The friend - is the one who can forgive even that never will forgive another. The friend - this the one who never is on friendly terms for the sake of itself. He will be on friendly terms with you, even then, when it isn't favorable to him. The friend - is the one it doesn't grieve whom to offer for the sake of you the most expensive: time, interests and even life. You appreciate the friends.
Let this day will be not in simply next afternoon, in a train of gray everyday life, and it will be remembered by the bright blue sky, warm tender mood, someone's kind smile or simply beautiful song heard somewhere... Fine Sunday, Friends!
Learn to enjoy inhalation and air exhalation, and your Life becomes one continuous pleasure … Allow Breath of Life to breathe you … It is Love which each particle of a universe breathes …