If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you & your sweet friendship. Good Evening Dear Friend...!!!
A very romantic saying*-*.... A mAn wAs deAd anD hiS sOuL wAs taKen 2 heAVen, God wAs sHockEd 2 c hiS hEArt bEaTs. MaN rEpLiEd "only I aM dEAd bt mY LoVer stiLL LiVe in my "" A romantic message*-*.... One dAy u wiLL aSk mE "what i$ morE imPØRTAnt tÖ u, me oR uR LifE?" I'LL say "mY LifE.." U'LL wALk awAy frm mE withouT knowinG thaT u r MY LIFE!!! wiSHiNg a romANtic wEeKeNd...mY deAR friEnd...
Life is like a football game and we are the football. Never mind the kicks of people Because without those kicks we may not reach the goal. Good Morning My Dear Friend & Have A Nice Day Ahead...!!!
sweet saying abu relationship... 'ReLatioNshiPs r thOse spL moMeNts 2geTHer, thOse laUGhs u hv 2geTHer, thOse secRets u shARed, thOse proMiseS mAdE in d heArt, thOse dayS u waiT 2 mEEt, thOse soRRy's u saiD, thOse stoLen smiLes & smaLL fightS, thOse msgS.. u jusT cNt deLEte...' gÖÖd niGhT deAr frienD