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10 years ago
I want to be near you. Now and for ever.
Our two ways roads will meet.
You represent, I once in seven
I am with things on your threshold.
I want to be near you. Today and very.
On tea and a breakfast, the general dawn.
You represent, even fierce winter
Once will turn into our summer.
I want to be near you. Through years and centuries.
Forever. We will pull up all trees!
You represent: after all my hand
In yours – it is more important than any conversations.
I want to be near you. Childly and always.
At any time, any bad weather.
You represent, any trouble
Won't separate us if it is necessary for it.
10 years ago
I want you very much... To tears... to a jimjams...
To the bitten lips... to melancholy whining from pain...
But I live as a vein, I smile to passersby,
Also I dream... it is unrealizable... it is simple to touch a hand.
I want you so as if to life remained - week.
As if some days... and already to be in time nothing...
I didn't go crazy, simply nerves long ago on a limit...
It is easier to flash - and in ashes... than long, painfully to smolder.
I want you... I on you it is impossible I miss...
And the melancholy from within corrodes stronger any acid.
Every evening in a dream I to you appoint appointments,
In fifteen minutes prior to dawn, at the fifth star...
Come, to both of us... this meeting is necessary to both! .
Give me chance to tell you that there is no force to hide...
I want you very much! . Time doesn't treat for it.
Only I and want to forget nothing...
10 years ago
I don't harbor malice against you, Saf...
10 years ago
What means to grieve for you? Approximately this combination of thoughtfulness, pensiveness, music, gratitude that I feel it, pleasures, because that you exist, and heat waves around heart. Thank you for that you are. And that I can be …
10 years ago
Difficulties in us and if not to overcome them, shouldn't have been begun....
10 years ago
To feel — permission isn't necessary. And the distance too doesn't matter. The reason is necessary only not to do fetters of the feelings … Only eyes to look with a smile in the past and with belief in the future … And heart to embrace at distance...
10 years ago
If you don't know that you test to the person — close eyes and present: it isn't present. Anywhere. Wasn't and won't be. Then everything becomes clear.
10 years ago
Sometimes so painfully, - — that there are no forces neither to complain, nor to hate, to shout------— Simply silently drawing conclusions, you understand-----— that a vein having closed eyes...
10 years ago
The best way not to be disappointed - from anybody not to wait for anything.
10 years ago
Sometimes the closest people in a glass to me pour poison........ and I see..... I know..... and all the same to the bottom I finish drinking.
10 years ago

10 years ago
You will ask: whether I miss you? And I will answer: YES! I wake up and I fall asleep, representing as your heavy hand protects me from nightmares. Sometimes really it seems to me that you nearby … Silently you breathe to me in a nape... evenly and quietly … And I feel your measured heartbeat … I fill up with a smile … "Madness" — you will tell. And I will answer: YES!
10 years ago
Good evening,Safaey!
10 years ago
10 years ago
Gmmm safo im good wbu
10 years ago
I love you! you hear, I love? !
Even if sometimes I am intolerable,
even if sometimes I am rude,
both I joke too sharply and it is malicious.
I breathe you! you know, I breathe? !
Without you it is lonely and bad,
without you I will extinguish myself,
forces won't suffice for a new sigh.
I live you! you trust, I live? !
You are dearer than brilliants and gold.
All look for is more green a grass,
and I am rich with our love.
10 years ago

In Life there are Miracles,
Simply it is necessary to Believe in them....
10 years ago
Good evening, beloved!
Very much I miss you....
Madly I love you, darling....
10 years ago
I're now talking better than I do who taught you
I'm alright saf,how about you?
10 years ago





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